Clyde Vaughan


Clyde Vaughan


Clyde Vaughan is considered one of the best shooters in Pitt basketball history. He played on the Pitt Men's Basketball team from 1981-84 and led the team to its first two basketball tournament titles in school history—the 1981 and 1982 Eastern 8 Tournament championships. He was also named tournament MVP in the 1982 Eastern 8 Tournament championships. Vaughan ended his career at Pitt as an all-time leading scorer with 2,033 points and ranks second after Charles Smith. After Pitt, Vaughan went on to play basketball in England. He was inducted into the Pitt Athletics Hall of Fame in 2023.

Clive Vaughan. Pittsburgh Panthers . (n.d.-e).


University of Pittsburgh

Items in the Clyde Vaughan Collection


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